Wonderful graduation ceremony at Electrical Engineering School (ETF) of the University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, with Tesla Medal awarded to Jelena Pesevski, the highest weighted average mark student in years 2-4.
Congratulations to Jelena for her outstanding academic achievements!
Vladimir Jelenkovic and Branislav Grbovic from Tesla Forum attended the ceremony in Banja Luka and presented award to Jelena. We are grateful for tremendous hospitality shown by our hosts at ETF and also quite impressed with bright young talents we’ve met there. They represent great value for their communities and state, and there is no doubt that they will have successful professional careers. Almost all of them have already won their first jobs within local industry, which once again demonstrates the value of ETF for sustainable development of their state.
In the afternoon, the presentation of Forum’s work was made to students and staff from ETF followed by two lectures: About Nikola Tesla and Hugo Gernsbek partnership (by V Jelenkovic) and Importance of feasibiity studies on project development (by B Grbovic).
Many thanks to Cooling Towers (WA) Pty Ltd, donors of the monetary part of the award. Their ongoing support is very much appreciated.