Tesla medal

Jeremy Lane wins Tesla Medal at Curtin University

Mr Jeremy J Lane, the highest grade student in the Engineering Electromechanical and Electromagnetic Conversion course, is this year’s winner of Tesla Medal at the Curtin University of Technology in Bentley WA.

Joel Schier wins Tesla Medal at Murdoch University

Joel Schier is this year’s winner of Tesla Medal for Murdoch University’s graduating student with the best performance in the Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Power Engineering or Bachelor of Science in Physics and Nanotechnology.

This year Tesla Medal winners

Ms Alice Yuh Hua Tiong, Mr Raymond Kilgariff, Mr Evan Richard Benn and Mr Tao Mantaras are Tesla medal winners for the year 2012.

Tesla Medallists win EA Awards

Each year Engineers Australia presents a number of awards for students who have achieved top marks in their engineering studies. In Western Australia six division medals are awarded. The winners for 2006 include two Tesla Medallists: The Russell Dumas Medal for 2006, for best academic performance in the final year at UWA, was awarded to...

Scitech Tesla Medal Launch

The Tesla Medal launch function was held at Scitech Discovery Centre followed by Tesla Coil High Voltage Show. The electrical display was very interesting and it was especially rewarding to see many children attending and enjoying it so much.   About 120 people turned up and it was particularly good to see Mark McGowan representing W.A....