“…As I mentioned in my email yesterday, the past two weeks have been the busiest that we have experienced in any two week period since I have been here (14 years). We had 3,132 people visit World of Energy during the period 29 September to 15 October inclusive. Of this number, 796 visited during the weekend days when were open from 1 pm to 4 pm…”

Graham Horne, World Of Energy Manager

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was the first to blaze the trail for the creation of incredible and exciting, world transforming devices that we, in the world of today, take for granted. Tesla invented such things as: radio, the bladeless turbine, wireless communication, fluorescent lighting, the induction motor, a telephone repeater, the rotating magnetic field principle, the poly-phase alternating current system, alternating current (AC) power transmission, Tesla Coil transformer, to name but a few. At the time of his death Tesla held over 700 patents.   The exhibition in Fremantle was only the first of the Belgrade Museum’s global tour that will be followed by exhibitions in Vienna, Vancouver BC and Paris.

Complete exhibition material consists of 55 panels with photographs and documents from the Tesla’s legacy. The exhibition includes four scaled and five working models: induction motor with egg-shaped rotor called Columbus egg (presented at the World Exhibition in Chicago in 1893); induction motor with the disc-shaped rotor (constructed in Strasburg in 1883); Tesla’s Transformer; Tesla’s pump with computer animated working principles; Model of the Adams’ power station on Niagara River with laboratory and transmission tower; Tesla’s laboratory in Colorado Springs and Tesla’s airplane with vertical take off and landing.

Tesla’s coil

Model of the Adams’ power station on Niagara River with laboratory and transmission tower

First AC Motor presented to Westinghouse

Columbus egg

Tesla’s pump

Exhibition Detail

The Hon Francis Logan MLA, Minister for Science, officially opened the exhibition on behalf of the Western Australian Government, preceded by presentations by Mr Milivoje Glisic, Ambassador of Serbia for Australia and New Zealand; Mr Doug Aberle Managing Director Western Power; Vladimir Jelenkovic, Director of the Nikola Tesla Museum from Belgrade Mr Vujo Knezevic Tesla Forum and Mr John Dowson Deputy Lord Mayor City of Fremantle .

Hon Francis Logan, MLA

Doug Aberle, Managing Director of Western Power

John Dowson, Deputy Lord Mayor City of Fremantle

W. Knezevic, Tesla Forum

Hon Dr Judy Edwards was presented with the special plaque from the Government of Serbia to acknowledge her outstanding contribution to promotion of Nikola Tesla’s legacy.

Tesla Museum from Belgrade, Serbia, presents Hon Dr Judy Edwards with the special edition book with the collection of original letters about Tesla

Vladimir Jovovic, Vice Chairman of Tesla Forum, received the plaque from the Government of Serbia on behalf of Tesla Forum of WA Inc. The plaque was presented to recognize Forum’s work on promotion of the Tesla’s legacy and organisation of the 150th Anniversary Celebration.

Tesla Plaque

Beverley Knezevic receives the special edition book with the collection of original letters about Tesla from Mr Vladimir Jelenkovic, Director of the Nikola Tesla Museum from Belgrade, Serbia. This unique book (only 300 copies are published and are not available for sale) was presented to Tesla Forum of W.A. Inc. for their support to promote Nikola Tesla’s legacy worldwide.

Detail from the Opening

V.Jovovic, V. Jelenkovic, W. Knezevic, J. Edwards, M. Glisic, B. Knezevic, M. Vasev, G. Horn, M. Stevanovic

N. Bilic, M. Glisic, M. Stevanovic

Detail from the opening

The exhibition was an outstanding success with about 3,500 visitors !!! This fantastic outcome would not be possible without great work of Mr Milisav Vasev, who directly managed all preparations on behalf of Tesla Forum and Mr Graham Horn, from World of Energy, and his team who were our great hosts! Special thanks to Smiljka Dimitrijevic, Vladimir Baltic, Mladen Stevanovic, Igor Jacimovic and Aleksa Slijepcevic; their tireless work has resulted in achieving this fantastic outcome and they made all of us proud to be part of Tesla Forum.   Many thanks to our generous donators: Nikola Tesla Museum Belgrade – Serbia;  Ministry of Mining and Power Industry of Serbia; Western Power; World of Energy; Cooling Towers WA Pty Ltd; Borovac International Pty Ltd; Hardware Distributors WA Pty Ltd; Mrs Beverley & Dr Wally Knezevic; Mr Petar Dakic; Mr David Sneddon; Mr Milisav Vasev; Mr Milos Jankovic; Broad Construction Pty Ltd; Mr Vladimir Jovovic; Mrs Bozana Doslov.